What's your idea of a "Princess"?
a) A bimbo who's waiting for her prince to come and rescue her, because then she'll have somebody to buy her jewellery and shoes and stuff?
b) A spoilt, petulant diva who likes to let everyone know how special she is by sulking if she doesn't get the right amount of froth on her caramel latte?
c) An anally retentive control freak with matching shoes and handbag, and every strand of hair in her chignon carefully lacquered into place?
Or d) A bright, happy, beautiful woman who lives in the moment, appreciates every day and spreads joy wherever she goes?
Yep, it's time to reclaim our word. The "Princess" backlash starts here.
Forget what you read in the fairytales; if someone is kind enough to let you stay over, don't bitch about the bed being uncomfortable. Even if the entire mattress is full of peas, smile gratefully, say "thank you" and your royal blood won't be in any doubt. An inflated ego and obnoxious sense of entitlement might have cut it in storybooks, but in real life, it's never going to get you upgraded to first class.
Although it's jam-packed with kickass shopping tips and secrets the beauty industry doesn't want you to know, The Princess Guide to Life isn't all nifty ways with scented candles. It's a call for women to realise they don't have to play by society's rules; Princesses make their own way in life.
We dress stylishly, not because we're obsessed with image but because dressing up and looking pretty is FUN. (And there's no age limit on looking fantastic in hot pants.)
We listen more than we talk, not because we're doormats who think our voices don't deserve to be heard, but because we know we can learn more that way (and knowledge is power).
We're kind, generous and polite not because we've been told to be good little girls, but because we know our presence makes a difference to the world, and we want it to be a positive one.
We're not afraid of our feminine power; that's why you'll never hear us boasting that we can "burp and fart just like a man". (We like men. But why would we want to be them?)
Princesses know that being "strong" doesn't mean being stroppy (especially when a little bit of sweetness is the way to get what you want out of every situation).
We know that liking luxury doesn't mean being materialistic (we give hard-earned money to good causes as well as splashing out on glittery hair accessories).
We're easy going – until someone tries to cross the boundaries we've set. (Being nice doesn't mean being a pushover.)
We're self-possessed, not self-obsessed.
We have the courage to look stunning when everyone around us is drab, and enigmatic while others overshare to get attention.
We expect the best from everyone, but we also consider cynicism to be a gift which keeps us out of trouble.
We don't feel guilty when we eat chocolate.
We can outwit manipulators and smooth over awkward situations instead of getting caught up in drama.
We make our own decisions instead of waiting around for someone else's approval.
We know that not fitting in is sometimes a very good thing.
We work for our own satisfaction and take pride in giving every job 100%.
We have total control over our finances.
We prove that you can be powerful and gracious, feminist and feminine, feisty yet elegant.
We are unforgettable.
We are Princesses.
Rosie Blythe xoxo